Yea you are going to hell because I was told so by the Guy in charge. One night I was sitting in my recliner watching Chip and Joanna remodeling a house for the untold time. Mental chewing gum. It was just about time to get under the covers if, the 3 dogs would make room. But not until “are you ready to see you new home”?
Out of nowhere,I heard “David again David then Dave”. My mom would call me David when she meant business, other wise I go by Dave or my last name Casey. My family had already hit the sack so who could it be? Then the Voice said “I want you to do a podcast that scares hell out of people. Nothing else; quiet. “What the heck just happened I thought”. What the heck is a podcast? I hear people talk about them but that was it. And hell, what the heck? I know I believe in it and I know I am seriously trying to avoid it. But scare people? As a kid I did jump out at girls and it scared them. Hell? I’m not sure I was that good.
So, it must be a dream, but there it was after the commercial, the remodeled house. I tried to forget the thing and told no one. But I could not shake it. But, if it was real for real and if it was Who I thought He was is the last person I want to piss off. So, I inquired from my family about a podcast, and was directed to so called social media sites. The only site I have is an email and have enough of those daily to keep me busy deleting for 1/2 an hour. So, I went to a suggested site to watch a podcast hosted by an ex Navy Seal and listened to a very interesting discussion and then went on to find podcasts about hell.
There was a lot about hell but nothing very convincing about avoiding it. My feeling is that folks were pussy footing around the subject. Like, no one said “you screw up and piss God of you are frying” and it’s forever. I heard forever described as having to count all the sand in the world; every grain. Once you were finished counting all the grains on beaches, desserts, quarries and even kids sand boxes you would still have forever. Think about it!
Is there a hell? I began stealthily, asking that question. Some said yes, some no, some I’m not sure. And, no one seemed too concerned when I asked if they were in fear of going there. It was a back burner problem. Then I started hunting down proof that hell exists. Wow does it. And there are some pretty dramatic examples of apparitions of the place that I included in my podcast.
So if there is a hell then there must a God - but many I talked to doubted He exists. So, again I started to see if there is any convincing evidence of God. By golly, a load of scientists, mathematicians, physicists, astrophysicists, medical researchers and even philosophers who using the latest data from satellites, telescopes, microscopes have proven pretty definitely there is a God.
Finally, again after my secret polling of folks i was left with some interesting questions: how come there was so little concern about going to hell. And why and how is our society seemingly turning away from God, religion, the family and the concept of a democratic republic? Why is being woke and why are individuals becoming morally relevant so popular? Want to know listen into “You Are Going To Hell” my podcast.